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About me

Hi! I'm Alex and I've studied videogames design and development. During the degree I learned about almost all the fields involved in the game production which allows me to understand the process of all the departments in a game studio.

My main role is game designer. I worked in some projects as a designer and even as a lead designer.

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Alita Unbreakable Warrior

A small Action RPG based in Alita comics and the movie Alita Battle Angel done in 4 months with our own engine done in c++. I was lead designer in this project.

To see a more detailed explanation about my work click here.


Dungeons & Dragons: Wrath of Silumgar

This game is a turn-based RPG using Dungeons & dragons: Shadows over mystara art and transforming it in another game. I worked as a designer focused on UI overall. The whole game is developed in C++. 

To see a more detailed explanation about my work click here.


AI Church

This game was done to learn about AI. I learned how to design and implement the AI for entities and how to design and balance management games.

To see a more detailed explanation about my work click here.

the church.png

Ninja Cat

Ninja cat is a small 2D platform game made to learn the most common techniques used in videogame development (like pathfinding, UI system, FPS control...). The game was developed in C++. 

Visit the project website to find a more detailed explanation about my work.

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Saving the flamingos

Saving the flamingos was made for the "Not Only Games Jam" organized by King. The objective we had in this game was made a different experience that fits in a GameJam context. We won the price of "Best UX". We used unity.


Sudden clown

Sudden Clown is a game done for “CITM Game jam I” prized with Best Art Award & Public's Favourite Award. I worked as a designer and also as a gameplay programmer doing scripts in C#. The game was done in Unity.


Returning Dream

This game was done for the "GDSG Intrinsic Game Jam". We chose "the game starts where it ends" as a limitation. Levels are played once in one direction and once returning with diferent mechanics, wich was very challenging to design. I worked as designer and artist. The game was done in Unity.

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Other projects

FeLiNa Engine

This engine was done in c++. It has the most common engine structure with game objects and components. It also counts with a resource manager, own format files, visual scripting system based on unreal visual scripting and other features.

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